Contec S.p.a.  as Data Controller informs that the personal data of the interested parties will be processed in compliance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”) for the purposes and in the manner indicated in the privacy policy.

Contec S.p.a. believes that the protection of the personal data of its Contacts, Users, Subjects, Managers, Operators, Employees, Suppliers, Consultants is not only a formal fulfillment, but above all an opportunity for even more virtuous behavior.

For this reason, the company is launching a Data Protection management process aimed at ensuring the mitigation of risks to the rights and freedoms of individuals related to the processing of personal data.

For Contec S.p.a.  personal data represent a value, a tool for optimizing one’s business processes and the services provided.

Contec S.p.a.  has therefore undertaken to implement further organizational, process, methodological and protection updates of the rights and freedoms of individuals, taking inspiration from the best practices in the sector and complying with the guidelines of the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data

Information pursuant to art. 13 of the EU Regulation n. 2016/679 and of the Privacy Code Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 as amended by Legislative Decree no. 101/2018

Pursuant to art. 13 of the EU Regulation n. 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR 2016/679”), laying down provisions for the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data, we wish to inform you that the personal data you provide will be processed in compliance with the aforementioned legislation and the obligations deriving from the provisions of Legislative Decree 196/2003 (hereinafter “Privacy Code”) as amended by Legislative Decree no. 101/2018 as far as compatible.

Holder of the treatment

The data controller is Contec S.p.a.  (hereinafter also “Contec”). with headquarters in Pescara 65122, Corso Umberto I n. 55/4, VAT number 06963290488 in the person of the pro tempore legal representative domiciled for the office at the company. The Data Controller will also process the data collected with the aid of electronic and / or IT tools and / or in paper / manual form through the designated subjects, in compliance with the provisions of the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data. , the company guidelines and this Notice.

Object of the treatment

The personal data held by the company is collected directly by persons appointed by the company itself or in the other forms provided for by law. The data is processed in compliance with the obligations of correctness, lawfulness and transparency imposed by the aforementioned legislation, protecting the privacy and rights of the interested parties. The provision of the requested data is mandatory, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations in force and failure to provide them could affect the proper performance of the contractual relations between the company and the other parties as well as access to the services and performance required.

Purpose of the processing

Contec S.p.a.  will process personal data for the achievement of its institutional purposes and in any case in the presence of a specific legal basis provided for by laws, regulations or European Union legislation that allow Contec to fulfill contracts and provide the required services. Specifically, these data are an indispensable prerequisite for carrying out one’s business activities with particular reference to the correct contractual, administrative and correspondence management, as well as for purposes strictly related to the fulfillment of legal, accounting and tax obligations.

Failure to provide them may make it impossible to implement the purpose for which the personal data are collected. In particular, pursuant to the GDPR, Contec S.p.a.  will process personal data only when one or more of the following legal bases are met:

– The processing is necessary for the execution of a contract or for the administrative, accounting, tax or related correspondence, or for activities related to the fulfillment of obligations under EU and national regulations;

– In the presence of a legitimate interest of Contec S.p.a. ..;

Outside of these cases, Contec S.p.a.  may ask interested parties to provide their free, specific, informed, unambiguous and express consent to the specific processing of personal data for the pursuit of further purposes specifically highlighted and specified in the cases of interest.


Methods of treatment and conservation

The processing of personal data for the purposes of this information is to be understood, pursuant to art. 4.2 of the GDPR, “any operation or set of operations, carried out with the aid of automated / computerized processes or in manual form, applied to personal data referred to in the GDPR, such as collection, registration, organization, structuring, the conservation, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, comparison or interconnection, limitation, cancellation or destruction”.

The treatments are carried out by Contec S.p.a.  through electronic / computer processing, or through manual or paper processing in such a way as to guarantee the confidentiality and security of personal data in relation to the administrative procedure managed. The data may be processed, in compliance with legal obligations, by the Designated Subjects, by the Personnel Authorized to Process the data, as well as by third parties expressly appointed by Contec S.p.a.  .. External Data Processors.

In particular, Contec S.p.a.  observes security measures, technical and organizational, to prevent the risks of destruction, loss, modification, unauthorized disclosure or access, accidentally or illegally, to the personal data processed, also making use of specific information to users for a correct use and access to their services.

Contec S.p.a.  furthermore, it informs that the personal data provided and acquired at the same time as requests for information and / or contact, registration on its website and use of services via smartphone or any other tool used to access the Internet, as well as the data necessary for the provision of services requested on Comec platforms, including navigation data, will be processed in compliance with the applicable legislation and this Notice. It is recalled that, where third parties are used to manage specific services, Contec refers to the privacy policies of the latter through the appropriate link.

In particular, the computer systems and software procedures used to operate the website and the portals through which the automated processes under the responsibility of Contec are managed acquire and hold, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit. in the use of Internet communication protocols.

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to addresses attributable to Contec, as well as the possible compilation of questionnaires (e.g. format), communication via chat, social network, Contact Center, etc., entails the subsequent acquisition of some of your personal data, including those collected through related services, necessary to respond to requests.

We point out that, in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, purpose limitation and data minimization, pursuant to art. 5 GDPR 2016/679, your personal data will be kept for the period of time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are collected and processed.

Communication and dissemination scope

The communication and dissemination of personal data is carried out exclusively in the cases provided for by current legislation and for the performance of certain activities necessary for the performance of the contracts and services provided for the interested parties.

Special categories of personal data

Pursuant to articles 9 and 10 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679, you could give the company data that can be qualified as “particular categories of personal data”, that is, data that reveal “racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, as well as genetic data, biometric data intended to uniquely identify a natural person, data relating to the health or sexual life or sexual orientation of the person “.

Statistical and third-party audience measurement cookies

These cookies (third party web services) provide anonymous / aggregate information on how visitors navigate the site. Below are the links to the respective privacy policy pages.

• Google Analytics: statistics system

• Terms of Service


Remember that you can manage your cookie preferences also through the browser

If you are using Internet Explorer

In Internet Explorer, click on “Tools” then “Internet Options”. In the Privacy tab, move the cursor up to block all cookies or down to allow all cookies, and then click OK.

If you are using the Firefox browser

Go to the “Tools” menu of the browser and select the “Options” menu Click on the “Privacy” tab, uncheck the “Accept cookies” box and click OK.

If you are using the Safari browser

From the Safari Browser select the “Edit” menu and select “Preferences”. Click on “Privacy”. Always set the “cookies Block” setting “and click OK.

If you are using the Google Chrome browser

Click the Chrome menu in the browser toolbar. Select “Settings”. Click on “Show advanced settings”. In the “Privacy” section, click the “Content settings” button. In the “Cookies” section, select “Do not allow sites to store data” and control “block cookies and third-party site data”, and then click OK.

If you use any other browser, look for how to manage cookies in the browser settings.

Rights of the interested party

At any time you can exercise, pursuant to articles 15 to 22 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679, the right to:

  1. a) ask for confirmation of the existence or otherwise of their personal data;
  2. b) obtain information on the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data, the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be communicated and, when possible, the retention period;
  3. c) obtain the rectification and cancellation of data;
  4. d) obtain the limitation of processing;
  5. e) obtain data portability, i.e. receive them from a data controller, in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, and transmit them to another data controller without hindrance;
  6. f) oppose the processing at any time and also in the case of processing for direct marketing purposes;
  7. g) oppose an automated decision-making process relating to natural persons, including profiling.
  8. h) ask the data controller to access personal data and to correct or cancel them or limit their processing or to oppose their processing, in addition to the right to data portability; withdraw the consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation;
  9. j) lodge a complaint with the Privacy Authority for the Protection of Personal Data by following the procedures and instructions published on the official website of the Authority

To exercise your rights and to revoke your consent (where applicable), as well as for more information relating to your personal data, you can send a communication to the Data Controller, which can be reached at the following e-mail address without fail indicating the content of your request in the subject and attaching to it the valid identification document, able to highlight the legitimacy and correct identification of the applicant.

The request addressed to the Data Controller or to the Designated Subject of the specific processing can be sent, in addition to the aforementioned e-mail address, also by registered letter to be sent to the address: Contec S.p.a.  Corso Umberto I, 55/4 65122 Pescara.

I, the undersigned, declare that I have received the above information.